SHOW RECAP 1 "Going Over Yonder"

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Welcome to the first ever blog in what will hopefully be a series of “show recaps”. Where I recap my thoughts about the acts I see performing live music both large and underground.
I wish I started this sooner as I’ve seen many shows in my day. From dark humid basements, all the way to Wells Fargo Stadium, I’ve seen countless shows. I absolutely do not want to know how much I’ve spent on concert tickets in the last five years of my adolescence. Don’t worry though, I’m financially stable (for the most part) and I’m proud to be a concert junkie. I’m just glad I can provide something like this to other people who might be interested. It’s the least I can do.
Please note that I am not a critic, I am recapping the shows and mentioning my personal background knowledge and experience with the bands and artists I see. I ain’t doing this for every show I go to. I’m just doing it for the shows I want to. Also, I believe as a rule of thumb that when it comes to this stuff that if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all.
Last night on Friday 11/22/24 I saw a show at a Temple house show venue called Over Yonder. I think it has become the best house show venue in Philly, (at least in North), that gets as professional as one can be in this setting, with a good emphasis on sound control and making sure the neighbors are okay with it. The name of this venue is probably one of the most clever I’ve heard, and not to be a suck up, but I think this idea speaks to the ingenuity, and energy that is the Machine. The Machine is a promoter/community collective in Philly that books all kinds of shows, but I would say, and they’d probably agree, that they gravitate more to the rave, dj, and electronic scene. This show however, was a classic 4 band basement bill with an eclectic cast. Prior to this show I have been referring to this bill as the “homie show” hence why I’m eager to blog about it. I love all these bands and all my friends who play in them.
Small Head Big Torso Vicious Grip #
Perhaps the most mysterious band on the bill to me, as friends of the Machine, I knew I was in for a treat. I’ve briefly spoken to the guitarist, Gio, as well as seen them around a lot. Particularly one time at an Unwound show in Jersey City. From my brief interactions, I’ve sensed the moral convictions within them that they strive to uphold, and they’re determination certainly poured out explosively into their performance and the music itself.
With one guitarist, one drummer, and two line-outs, I was so happy to see this band match the exact energy I imagined an act called “Small Head Big Torso Vicious Grip” would exude. And that is what punk music is about. Its losing one’s voice by the end of the set from screaming, having “FUCK” and “gentrification” stickers on their gear, dragging a rack tom into the audience for people to smack as they please, and sprinkling some Unwound in there indeed. If you see this band, do them a favor and bring your energy. Oh, and earplugs.
Wallace, Tonight! #
The Philly House show scene would not feel the same to me without the presence of Wallace, Tonight!. Performing as a five piece at this show due to the fabulous return of their drummer Grace, they proved that they can, and will, rock your house down if you ask them. I’ve been blessed over the past couple years to be able to converse and hang out with all five of them at some point or another and I just wanted to mention that as far as people go they are all absolute lads. Plus they’re great musicians.
Their most recent release of their single “Wrinkler” tickles my brain so well, and may be my favorite so far in the Wallace discography. There is something special about hearing a live band perform countless times and then to have that music available at any time in your ears. I love live sets on the internet, but studios get the real job done.
Sonically speaking Wallace, Tonight is tight, energetic, and captivating. Will they hate me if I say they’re fun too? I have fun listening and watching them. I just do. I know I do because I have a big wide grin on my face the whole time. Since I’ve seen them so much, it might be time to admit that I’ve developed some nostalgia for their music as well. I find they’re music easy to listen to, and I mean that as a compliment. I feel that despite their wide array of grandiose landscapes and complex playing styles. Saying that they are “easy to listen to” doesn’t mean that they’re slow in the tempo department either. They can get a mosh going without even trying. “Keep Going” gets my heart pumping and my mind racing every time.
With the return of Grace, I’m excited to see what these guys cook up in the coming months. I love Wallace, Tonight!. Sue me.
(Also shoutout their YouTube channel some of them run: Wallace, Watches! You can check out all kinds of live sets there, as well as all the sets from tonight. Go listen to Wallace, Tonight! tonight!)
All the Flowers #
There was a time when All the Flowers was not on my conscience. Like I guess everything is initially. That was until I was smacked in the face with their EP “Those You’ve Known and Loved”. Okay I might’ve lied, I think I knew a crumb of information, and that was that that one guy from RowTone, (who I now know as Ryan), played in this band. I now know more though. I now know that All the Flowers set a personal music record for me, and that is the fact that they made me cry.
Am I getting too dramatic?
But no seriously… they’re music is beautiful, and it made me cry. Their particular shade of instrumentals, combined with the very honest and relatable lyrics, and well sung vocal harmonies led me straight to my feelings. Instrumentally, there are not too many bands in Philly, or bands in general I know of that have a violinist. They did. (I apologize if it’s actually a viola, my dumbass doesn’t know the difference.) And for me it applies as the perfect cherry on top of everything else they got going on.
If you like their music on streaming, they sound awesome live! They know how to put on a show. I love when all of them sing into the microphone at the same time. <3
Mormon Toasterhead #
I first saw Mormon Toaster Head in a really hot and humid basement in South Philly two summers ago. What I left with was a minor state of shock as I couldn’t comprehend what their frontman and guitarist Benzo Von Vivant was doing, and how the hell it was working so well!? A lot of conceptions I had of how one should play guitar got thrown out the window. I hate the word “should”. Anyways, what I just said is a bit of an overstatement. I’m being dramatic. However if there was ever a local band that threw me for a loop because of their live performance, it would be Mormon Toaster Head.
Bennett Hammy, my good friend, yueblum legend, ex-Dimmer bassist, and certified cutie, has fruitfully been added to Mormon’s roster as a second guitarist. This is likely due to his insane aura, talent, and the friendly connection he formed with their drummer Charlie.
The tones, the vibe, everything sounded awesome. The sound levels in general were good throughout the whole night. Just ask the stupid grins on my and John from Wallace, Tonight’s face. They’ve been playing a lot of their new unreleased stuff which I like and which Bennett won’t leak to me no matter how much I ask him. I’ll give him a pass for playing well. Especially during the jam session they had at the end of their set, which might have ended up being my favorite part. Either that or them referencing Infinite Jest. Although after reading their bio on Spotify the reference lines up.
Listening to their music, I find it so refreshingly original, uplifting, and fantastic! My favorite song is “Butterfly Museum”. I hope they play it live one day. Listen to their new album “Free Wheel”!
Go listen to the livesets if you want here -> Link
See yah next time!