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·265 words·2 mins

I’m going through some of this blog since it’s been a while and I’m proud of myself for how much I’m kind of exposing my inner monologues. I’m learning about myself. In as little as two months I feel like I am completely unrecognizable compared to the person who wrote the previous post.

I had a bad day today. My depression at this point I would say is gone but it still conjures in these moments where I give into sloth. But not in a healthy way. I still struggle to recognize when I need to take time to relax and do nothing.

I don’t know what I want to do with this blog. I don’t know if it will be public. I kind of want to have multiple blogs you know? One for music and one for everything else? Idk. I’m tired. What do I want? I don’t know. But I’ll find it. I have to take down my cork board. It’s time that I repurposed it. I have memories all over it. It’s essentially my time in college put to a canvas. Wristbands, photos, concert tickets, cards, artwork, memories.

All the memories make me want to go back there. Back there. Strive to be better. Strive to alter the system in a new way. Be unapologetically unconventional.

I think I want to go crazy. I’m not taking any medications though. I refuse to believe I’m sick. I think this society is sicker than me. And I won’t change myself for it. I’m part of the action here. Maybe I’ll move to New Orleans…