2 weeks

It’s been a little while, let’s unpack. I finally put in my 2 weeks at my corporate job. My last day is next Friday. Today is Thursday. I am going to genuinely pursue about 10 different businesses if I’m guessing correctly. All of various sorts. I’m not even counting the music as part of it. (Side note: I’m upset I missed Wednesday and Echotracer and Hotline TNT at Union Transfer.)
Here’s a YouTube rant video I made about my job and quitting it:
I really need to get my PC working and my Wi-Fi working. I have just been really intimidated by it. It’s a combination of the Wi-Fi and my own PC’s nonsense that is causing this to happen. My bandmates said they’ll help me. My roommate has already been battling with Comcast. I need to buy Adobe Premiere Pro and maybe photoshop and definitely a nice camera. I’ll see if they have a bundle. I also bought a bass and studio monitors this month. The studio monitors I have were claimed to be the ones used to produce the original Kidz Bop albums. Or at least some of them. I don’t know officially, but I believe the guy I bought them off because why not?
My old friend from highschool, Samuel Morgan, is now my personal trainer. He’s a little more than that though. He’s a special soul and a beacon of positivity and faith. So I think it will work out perfectly. I’m ready to put in the work at the gym when I quit my job. I cannot wait.
uncl3slam on IG.
I won’t explicitly say my finances, but I saved up, and I’m hoping it lasts me at least until next year in Philly. People look at me in disbelief when they hear that I don’t have another job lined up. But I really really don’t care. This is not what I signed up for when I put the past 16 years of my life into academia!? I didn’t work this hard to get what I feel is absolutely no where near where I want to be. Where I think I could be. These people don’t know me. And the people who have done the same and failed, also aren’t me. You have to have some insanity when you quit your job and pursue your silly little dreams like me. Or at least be somewhat aware of it, which I think am.
It is insane. I do think this is a privileged opportunity, but that is no reason to stop myself. I have been dealt a good hand, and I shall not waste it.
I have definitely become more business minded. I’ve always hated the ethos surrounding the word “entrepreneur”. When I hear that I think of a sociopathic business student who’s already rich off of old money but wants even more. I’ve been calling myself an entrepreneur, but I’ve been redefining what it means for myself. I think that I am in a unique situation where I have a supportive family to fall back on, many close friendships, a strong intellect, my physical health and adolescence, a cesspool of ideas and passions to pursue in my head, and so much more. So mine as well try and fail than not try at all. People say to wait and plan, but that costs me invaluable time. There is no right time. As I pursue my goals I have to stay focused on myself, and I have to remind myself that this is not a selfish way to live. Because one day I am plan to provide for my friends and family with the success I find. For my community at that time. I just am. And hopefully further down the line I can have enough assets to actually make a positive change in this world.
But until that happens, I have to participate and figure out how to survive in this twisted game of green paper and digital numbers. Or also unfortunately known as “reality”.
Wish me luck.