Ducks in a Row

Table of Contents
10/25/24 #
There is a rave tonight. Still debating on going. I was going to go as David Foster Wallace.
This month will surely be known as the month that I finally got my ducks in a row. Or at least I hope so. I wouldn’t be surprised if I say the same thing next month.
Art is important. The back of my mind has been pushing me to draw more recently although I am not too good at it. I mean I’m decent. I never have the patience to draw something well. I’ll start with one thing. Perhaps a chair. I start drawing it carefully. Then I get bored and start drawing other things. I draw them faster and faster taking less and less time on each one. Clearly showing me how my brain works and the lack of patience it has. Perhaps I could’ve been great. Drawing and painting was just something that I never really gravitated towards. I did a little bit, but not nearly as much as other things.
I saw Julie with Her New Knife on Wednesday. I brought my fish eye lens and threw some of the live footage up on my YouTube. The lens just goes on the front of my iPhone. You can find them on Amazon.
Tonight I’m going to an art show curated and featuring my friend Dan Biederman. This dude is the guy. Does that make sense? Dan has been around quite a bit. I absolutely love his work. He curated this art show himself so I’m excited to see it. Dimmer is very likely going to have him make the artwork for our projects. Dan used to live one street behind me when we both went to Temple. We had a alot of mutuals, its kind of crazy. That’s the tea.
I’ve also decided that I would like to start intereviewing bands. I’m going to start with my homies and then work my way up. I think I’m going to do Static Brian and Wallace, Tonight! to start. Can’t wait to be the Philly Nardwuar.
Well that was a short blog? Yeah I agree. Just trying to get back into it.
I think I may have these blogs act as either journal entries or be actual pieces of journalism from now on. I’m trying to stop the mish mashing of both. People want the juice they’re looking for, not my bullshit. I mean I’ll still have my bullshit on here. But it will just be seperate.